

"They're like the chicken nuggets of the forest." But these tasty lizards have an ingenious life-saving trick

The semi-aquatic lizards from southern Costa Rica use the special adaptation to avoid being eaten by birds, snakes and numerous other predators.

Why this gigantic dinosaur footprint found near Melbourne has got scientists so excited

About the same size as a large pizza, it is one of 24 footprints recently discovered on the southern coast of Australia.

Bald eagles are dying in Upstate New York – and experts know why

Golden eagles, American crows and Virginia opossums are also being found dead in the hills and forests of the northeastern US state...

Thousands of endangered koalas are being put to death in Australia. Here's why

Populations of Queensland koalas are rapidly declining – why are so many being euthanised?

Protect this 0.7% of Earth and help save one third of planet’s most unique animals, finds new report

Big wins for conservation when evolutionarily unique and globally endangered animals are prioritised, say scientists.

Yoda-like tarsiers are struggling to sleep – and it could be the death of them, warn scientists

A recent survey of tarsier numbers in the Philippines’ Mount Matutum Protected Landscape suggests worrying declines for the cute critters, with light and noise pollution believed to be among the key threats.

"It’s just so weird." Scientists just found something very strange inside the guts of this freaky prehistoric bird...

Palaeontologists thought they had figured out why the odd-looking bird had such sharp, rock-solid teeth, until they found something odd in its stomach...

'Bone crusher' tigers discovered in Australia "could easily crunch through the bones and teeth of prey," say scientists

The remains of three new species of thylacine – or Tasmanian tiger – have been dug up in Riversleigh World Heritage Area, one of the planet's most famous fossil sites.

The UK has killed 230,000 badgers in the past decade. Here's why the cull is finally ending

Badger culling will end in England within five years, the Government says.

Mozambique's sea cows fitted with satellite tags in last-ditch effort to save them from extinction

Conservationists have successfully fitted dugongs in Mozambique’s Bazaruto Archipelago National Park with satellite-tracking tags to provide crucial information to help protect the Critically Endangered marine mammals’ future.

Scientists bump into 'flying spaghetti monster' on deep-sea voyage to underwater mountains

Researchers stumbled upon the otherworldly colony of organisms on their way to an explored seamount off the coast of Chile.

Fungus learns to control robot spider. Here's what it means for our future

The biohybrid robot can survive extreme conditions, including radiation, say scientists.

WildPhotos: 12 remarkable images of our natural world

The line-up for WildPhotos – a new one-day photography event held in Bristol – has been announced. Here's a selection of mesmerising images from some of the key speakers.

Ghost hunt: astoundingly rare orchid emerges from shadows of British woodland for first time in 15 years

The rarest plant in Britain, the ghost orchid, has been found flowering for the first time since 2009.

"A wild orca came over and made us a rainbow!" Magical encounter stuns whale watchers off San Diego coast

The orcas were spotted close to border between the USA and Mexico.

This venomous spider traps male fireflies in its web and forces them to flash like females. Experts just found out why

Scientists think that the orb-weaver spider's venomous bite might somehow cause behavioural changes in the fireflies. A new study shines a light on why they do this.

"This is not a plot line from Jurassic Park." Scientists are growing babies in a lab to save animals from extinction

Researchers in Florida are collecting and freezing coral eggs and sperm to protect vulnerable species from going extinct.

Super-rare hairy-nosed wombat caught waddling through a woodland in Australia

The critically endangered northern hairy-nosed wombat juvenile, captured by wildlife cameras in south-west Queensland, is one of only 400 individuals remaining in the world.

This enormous shark was swallowed by an even bigger shark – and a lost tracking device reveals exactly what happened

In a scientific first, researchers have discovered that a pregnant porbeagle was eaten by another shark.

Underwater robot stumbles across thousands of sharks asleep on the seabed. Experts are trying to figure what’s happening

Scientists have been left scratching their heads, wondering why so many female sharks are gathered on the seafloor in southern Australia.

Shark tooth found in neck of prehistoric sea cow. Why this grisly death has got scientists so excited

Palaeontologists who studied the fossilised remains of the sea cow say it was first attacked by a crocodile before being scavenged by sharks.

“We will be ready to greet them with our hearts wide open.” Extinct-in-the-Wild sihek begins journey back to Pacific home

Siheks, or Guam kingfishers, were wiped out by invasive snakes in the 1980s. Now, thanks to conservation efforts, they are edging back towards a life in the wild, reports Graeme Green.

Golden bats, boa snakes and dwarf porcupines are hiding deep inside in Mexico's ancient temples – and scientists know why

Researchers studying some of Mexico's most famous Maya sites discovered 23 species of bat, as well as boa snakes, opossums and Mexican hairy dwarf porcupines.

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: deadly jaguar bite among 14 highly commended photos

A jaguar delivering a lethal bite, sleeping seals and two adorable baby owls are just a few of the breathtaking images to feature in the 60th Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.
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