Jules Howard
Jules Howard is a zoology correspondent, naturalist and author of more than 10 books including The Wildlife Pond Handbook. He writes for a number of publications including The Guardian, Science Focus and BBC Wildlife Magazine.
Recent articles by Jules Howard
From having sex on the moon to genitalia that can sing. here are 11 things you never knew about animal sex
Discover sex's most surprising secrets with science writer Jules Howard.
Why do some frogs have five legs?
Yep you have heard that right - some frogs appear to have five legs.... Jules Howard explains why
Are there snakes in the Arctic?
Yes there is a snake that can live in the Arctic Circle says Jules Howard, thanks to special adaptions
Why do frogs scream?
Jules Howard discusses possible reasons frogs scream
How do warm winters affect hibernating toads?
Toads spend the winter underground, but what happens when our winters are warm?
How did insects' larval stage evolve, and what's the difference between a grub, a caterpillar and a nymph?
Many insects have a larval stage, but how did it evolve? And what are the different types of larvae?
What is evolution and how have species developed?
Learn how living organisms have developed as part of evolution and the impact of environmental changes.
Where next for Nature Deficit Disorder?
Jules Howard campaigns for schools to encourage children to get closer to nature.