Author Debbie Graham

Debbie Graham

Recent articles by Debbie Graham

Termites wear explosive 'backpacks' and blow themselves up to protect their colony

How a 'backpack' full of a toxic blue substance allows a termite to blow itself up, along with the threat, if its colony is threatened

6 of the prettiest - and possibly weirdest - insects in the world that you might not know

There some amazingly beautiful, yet little known, insects on our planet. Stuart Blackman picks a few of his favourites

This metallic blue tarantula is the most beautiful spider in the world – and it's also one of the world's rarest

If ever proof were needed that spiders can be beautiful, then this is surely it. Meet the Gooty tarantula

Go behind the scenes of the epic new BBC series Big Cats 24/7

Rowan Crawford and Tom Jarvis go behind the scenes of the ambitious and thrilling new BBC series Big Cats 24/7

Discover the fossa: Madagascar's stealthy, cunning, and ferocious apex predator

We take a look at one of the strangest predatory mammals on the planet, the fossa

Vibrant yet deadly: The fascinating world of poison dart frogs, one of the world's most poisonous animals

All you ever needed to know about poison dart frogs, from why they're poisonous to where they live and what they eat

6 terrifying worms that will give you nightmares, from one that can slice its prey in half to a nine-foot monster

Prepare for a scare as we take a look at some of the most terrifying worms on the planet.

What does 'survival of the fittest' really mean?

'Survival of the fittest' is the best known evolutionary phrase that we have all heard of - Stuart Blackman explains what it means in practical terms

Why don't penguins' feet freeze? They look chilly...

How do penguins keep their feet warm in sub-zero Antarctic conditions? Mike Toms explains

What's the biggest centipede in the world? Meet the stuff of nightmares, venomous enough to kill a bat - and possibly a small child

Meet the biggest - and most venomous - centipede in the world

What's the biggest parasite in the world? Don't worry it's not as gruesome as you might think...

We may think of parasites being small and microscopic, but they're not all like that... Meet the world's biggest parasites

Best animal dancers: forget Strictly, here are the best toe-tapping, hip-swivelling movers and groovers in the animal kingdom

Who is the best dancer in the animal kingdom? It's time to find out as our favourite 8 species take centre stage and strut their stuff - do you agree with our choices?

How do mimetic animals recognise their own species? Do they ever mistake a different species for their own?

Animal mimicry is designed to fool other species - including potential predators - but is it possible that it could confuse members of their own kind? Stuart Blackman investigates

Can a boa constrictor attack a human? All you need to know about these awesome serpents, including how they kill and eat large prey

Learn all about the boa constrictor in our expert guide, including where they live and how much they weigh

Is it true conkers deter spiders from entering houses?

Do conkers repel spiders? Phil Gates tests out the myth

Why are uakari monkeys so bald and pink?

Stuart Blackman looks at the science behind the uakari monkeys' red face

Do animals ever exercise to keep fit?

Do any animals exercise to stay fit? Stuart Blackman investigates

Masters of regeneration: these death-defying animals can regrow body parts better than Deadpool

Which animals are the best at regeneration? Ben Garrod takes a look at the contenders

How do bees make royal jelly? And who in the hive is lucky enough to eat this tasty delight?

What is royal jelly and how do bees make it? Richard Jones takes look

What's the difference between spider silk and caterpillar silk?

What is silk? Is caterpillar silk the same as spider silk? Richard Jones takes a look

Do plants get sunburn? Or are they able to protect themselves against harmful UV rays?

Stuart Blackman takes a look at how plants protect themselves against the sun

How do spiders fly and how far can they go? You will be surprised...

Helen Smith takes a look at how and why spiders take to the skies

Why do animal species all look the same when humans all look different?

Wondering why are humans so variable when other species tend to look the same? Stuart Blackman explains

Do butterflies really lose the ability to fly if their wings are touched?

Richard Jones explains the truth behind the myth butterflies lose the ability to fly if their wings are touched
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