Marine Animals

Marine Animals

Watch incredible, heart-warming, footage of a seal pup being born and its first few moments - fortunately mum is on hand for comfort

"The team had to sit precariously on a cliff edge". Seal volunteers video a new pup being born

Dolphin vs shark: what's the difference between these charismatic ocean dwellers?

What's the difference between a shark and a dolphin? The experts at Whale and Dolphin Conservation explains what makes a dolphin a dolphin and a shark a shark

11 deadliest sea creatures: Meet the most dangerous animals in the ocean

Sharks aren’t the only danger in the ocean. Here are our top 10 most deadly sea creatures, from those that sting to those that bite

Why don’t deep-sea animals implode? Here's how they survive extreme pressures at the bottom of the ocean

Just how do deep-sea fish avoid imploding? Dr Helen Scales explains

Mozambique's sea cows fitted with satellite tags in last-ditch effort to save them from extinction

Conservationists have successfully fitted dugongs in Mozambique’s Bazaruto Archipelago National Park with satellite-tracking tags to provide crucial information to help protect the Critically Endangered marine mammals’ future.

Scientists bump into 'flying spaghetti monster' on deep-sea voyage to underwater mountains

Researchers stumbled upon the otherworldly colony of organisms on their way to an explored seamount off the coast of Chile.

Are nudibranchs the most beautiful animals on the planet? One of them might also be as deadly as it's beautiful...

Nudibranchs are one of the world's most beautiful animals, known for their vibrant colours and intricate patterns

“This appalling brutality and cruelty is blatantly in contravention of Iceland’s own Animal Welfare Act”, says Mark Carwardine

What I find truly disgraceful and indefensible is that, in 2024, we are still talking about declaring quotas for whalers, says Mark Carwardine

"A wild orca came over and made us a rainbow!" Magical encounter stuns whale watchers off San Diego coast

The orcas were spotted close to border between the USA and Mexico.

"This is not a plot line from Jurassic Park." Scientists are growing babies in a lab to save animals from extinction

Researchers in Florida are collecting and freezing coral eggs and sperm to protect vulnerable species from going extinct.

This enormous shark was swallowed by an even bigger shark – and a lost tracking device reveals exactly what happened

In a scientific first, researchers have discovered that a pregnant porbeagle was eaten by another shark.

Underwater robot stumbles across thousands of sharks asleep on the seabed. Experts are trying to figure what’s happening

Scientists have been left scratching their heads, wondering why so many female sharks are gathered on the seafloor in southern Australia.

How many teeth does a great white shark have? A guide to its deadly, razor-sharp gnashers

This iconic ocean predator has about 30,000 teeth - but not all at the same time.

"I got to dive through the magic." Freediver films dreamlike swim through "fairy light" salp bloom in Cornwall 

The gelatinous sea creatures make long chains that look like twinkling lights in the water.

“To rip off the tail only took a minute." Insane drone footage captures shark eating another shark in Florida

A photographer was astounded when her drone captured the moment a huge hammerhead pounced on a reef shark.

This weird sea cucumber fires poisonous intestines from its butt to deter predators. Don't worry, they grow back...

The harmless looking sea cucumber is more deadly than it looks and has an array of tools and weapons to ward off predators

Humpback whales actually make and use tools for hunting, finds new study. And it's utterly mesmerising to watch...

A groundbreaking new study has revealed that humpback whales manipulate this unique tool in a variety of ways to catch huge volumes of prey in their Alaskan feeding grounds.

"What a beauty!" First-ever sighting of rainbow sea slug in Devon dazzles underwater photographer  

The rare rainbow sea slug, usually found in the Mediterranean, was discovered by a family while rockpooling in Devon.

Hundreds of extremely rare baby hammerhead sharks filmed in Australia

Researchers in Queensland have been observing the critically endangered scalloped hammerheads for several months.

"It had been completely severed off." Shocked scientists film humpback whale with no tail swimming down Washington coast

The humpback whale likely lost its tail in "a very long-term entanglement" in fishing gear, say experts.

Why do whales breach? 6 theories behind their spectacular aerial shows

Find out at why whales breach, with the experts from Whale and Dolphin Conservation

A moment of bliss: heartwarming drone footage captures sperm whale family playing in Mediterranean Sea

The whales were filmed rolling over, playing with each other, and swimming in a line over a series of deep-sea underwater canyons known as the Hellenic Trench.

Amazon River dolphin guide: Learn all about this beautiful pink dolphin and how it differs to its ocean cousins.

All you need to know about the amazing Amazon River Dolphin from the experts at Whale and Dolphin Conservation
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