Researchers have shared mesmerising footage of baby sharks developing inside their egg.
"This footage reveals two developing embryos of what might just be the cutest shark around,” says Biopixel Oceans Foundation. It’s "a rare look inside the egg of an Indo-Pacific leopard shark (Stegostoma tigrinum).”
Sometimes known as zebra sharks, this species lays eggs which are fastened to the seabed while the little ones grow inside. “The embryos rely on a yolk sac for nourishment, absorbing nutrients as they grow,” they say.
The Foundation filmed these adorable embryos, which are part of ReShark’s attempts to grow baby leopard sharks and release them into the wild to try to boost numbers of this endangered species.
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"In the first baby, you can clearly see the umbilical cord connecting it to the yolk sac. As development progresses, the yolk sac gradually shrinks until it is fully absorbed,” they say.
“The second embryo is already showing its distinctive zebra-like stripes – looking a bit snug in there!” But even at this stage, the yolk sac remains visible, still supplying essential nutrients until the pup is ready to hatch.”
Main image: inside a shark edge/Credit: Richard Fitzpatrick, Biopixel Oceans Foundation.
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