Marine Animals
This fearsome ocean crawler slurps prey like a smoothie, breathes through its legs and can grow as big as a cat
Related to both spiders and crabs, sea spiders suck up the insides of their prey “like sipping through a straw” – they also store all their organs in their legs, say scientists.
'Pillar of intestines': entrancing video shows weird creature feeding like an "underwater sausage with hiccups"
These ocean 'aliens' can help researchers answer important questions about evolution.
There’s a bizarre animal in the deepest depths of the Pacific Ocean that looks like a toast rack – and it uses deadly hooks to kill its prey
Is this one of the strangest animals in the ocean?
A rare and ghostly shape just appeared in the Great Barrier Reef
It's only the second time the eerie-looking animal has been recorded in the region off the east coast of Australia.
Vampire in the shadows: see the chilling moment this deep-sea denizen turns itself inside out
As if this body inversion manoeuvre wasn't surreal enough, the ‘vampire squid from hell’ also exudes a cloak of bioluminescent mucous from its crimson body to help deter predators.
Weirdest sea creatures - meet 15 strange ocean animals, including one that looks a bit like a toast rack
Have you heard of the Johnson's abyssal seadevil? Read about this strange ocean animal and more in our guide to the world's weirdest sea creatures
Incredible drone footage of narwhals in the Arctic reveals never-before-filmed behaviour
Researchers have recorded the Arctic's 'unicorn of the sea' using its tusk in an extraordinary way.
“I will always remember that day”: freediver films intimate encounter with pod of enormous whales
The clicks of the sperm whales were so loud, she felt like she was one of the pod.
Deadly is the female: 11 ferocious female animals that you wouldn't want to mess with
'For the female of the species is more deadly than the male' – here are our top 11 deadliest females that prove just that.
When scientists dropped a baited camera into Indonesian waters, a haunting predator appeared
The stealth predator was caught on camera just off Kri and Mansuar islands in Raja Ampat.
Calm in the Maldives: cruising shark gives hitchhiking suckerfish a lift in the Maldives
The nurse shark had over a dozen suckerfish jostling for a ride.
Diver films dramatic moment two giant cephalopods collide in South Australia
Reaching up to one metre in length and five kilograms in weight, these giants of the ocean aggregate in South Australian waters to mate, an event often wrought with danger.
300,000 tonnes of unexploded munitions were dumped in the Baltic Sea in the wake of Nazi Germany – now scientists are worried
The relic munitions, sunk to the bottom of the Baltic Sea at the end of the Second World War, are releasing potentially harmful toxic chemicals, say researchers.
Underwater camera records whale song "so powerful researchers could feel the vibrations through their feet”
Hear a humpback whale singing in Hawai’i – look closely and you’ll see the vocalist in the footage, too.
"At their destructive best" – astonishing footage shows orcas snatching sea lion puppy from the shoreline
These impressive apex predators launch
themselves from the surf in a spectacular hunting strategy known as 'intentional stranding'
These divers spent 12 days carrying bags of shrimp and staring at fish in the Mediterranean Sea – here's why
The researchers wanted to find out if wild fish can recognise individual human beings – so, can they?
Electric organs, venomous spines and eyes that migrate – meet the world's most peculiar fish
These ambush predators can also create a vacuum that sucks prey right into their mouths.
How deep is the deepest part of the ocean?
What is the deepest part of the ocean – and can anything live in this extreme environment?
This may be the most astonishing ambush attack you'll ever see
The zebra shark didn't see this coming...
Eerie and elusive 'doomsday fish' washes up on beach in Mexico
The rare deep-sea oarfish, nicknamed the 'doomsday fish', is said to be a predictor of earthquakes.
Was this man really swallowed by a whale? Experts analysed the video and here’s what they think
Whale experts say the news "is not quite what it seems” as a humpback whale’s throat is no bigger than a human fist.
"Who would have thought it would be so frilly!” See moment a cheeky baby whale sticks its tongue out
The little whale can drink up to 80 litres of its mother's milk every day to grow big and strong – and its tongue helps it do this.
It looks like a pineapple crossed with a giant sausage – colossal ocean creature filmed crawling along seafloor
The enormous pineapple sea cucumber can grow up to 60cm long and weigh as much as 7kg.
Monstrous deep-sea fish filmed in daylight for first time ever
Most people never see this bizarre fish in their lifetime – these researchers found one by accident.