
Fascinating facts about our warm blooded friends - the mammals.

Thousands of endangered koalas are being put to death in Australia. Here's why

Populations of Queensland koalas are rapidly declining – why are so many being euthanised?

The UK has killed 230,000 badgers in the past decade. Here's why the cull is finally ending

Badger culling will end in England within five years, the Government says.

Mozambique's sea cows fitted with satellite tags in last-ditch effort to save them from extinction

Conservationists have successfully fitted dugongs in Mozambique’s Bazaruto Archipelago National Park with satellite-tracking tags to provide crucial information to help protect the Critically Endangered marine mammals’ future.

Are there any apes in India? Other than humans that is...

Stuart Blackman takes a look at India's only ape, the western hoolock gibbon

Do giraffes get struck by lightning?

Are giraffes prone to getting struck by lightening? Data is thin on the ground, says Stuart Blackman but there has been cases

Discover the fossa: Madagascar's stealthy, cunning, and ferocious apex predator

We take a look at one of the strangest predatory mammals on the planet, the fossa

Genets: meet the strikingly beautiful, yet incredibly elusive cat-like creatures that roam Africa - and bizarrely Europe

Handsome yet overlooked, the genet is one of the world's most mysterious carnivores. David Lindo takes a look at this mysterious cat-like creature

Prehistoric cats: meet 10 ruthless feline hunters that roamed the planet thousands of years ago

From tigers to tabbies, today’s cats come in many different shapes, sizes, and temperaments. Their ancestors were just as diverse, if not more so, says Will Newton. Here are our top 10 prehistoric cats…

"We found 20 pairs of wings in an hour.” Culprit of Jamaica's dismembered bats caught on camera

The predator is a threat to two critically endangered species of bat on the Caribbean island.

Sweden to kill 20% of its brown bears

Sweden has issued licences allowing hunters to take 486 brown bears this year out of a population estimated at just below 2,450.

Humpback whales actually make and use tools for hunting, finds new study. And it's utterly mesmerising to watch...

A groundbreaking new study has revealed that humpback whales manipulate this unique tool in a variety of ways to catch huge volumes of prey in their Alaskan feeding grounds.

Scientists are using AI to save rare African forest elephants in the Congo Basin. Here's how

The species has declined by 80-85 per cent in the past three decades – the new technology could help the elephants and the wider climate crisis, say researchers.

Beaver babies are popping up all over the UK – now four more have been spotted in London

It has been a bumper summer for beavers, with newborns recorded in Northumberland, Kent, the Cairngorms and now London, highlighting the success of a recent drive to reintroduce the native mammal to the UK.

Why are uakari monkeys so bald and pink?

Stuart Blackman looks at the science behind the uakari monkeys' red face

Meet the beautiful Arctic wolf, guardian of the frozen wilderness

All you need to know about the beautiful snowy-white Arctic wolf

When India's grumpiest cat moved into a house in the Himalayas, the family who lived there moved out

On the edge of a remote mountain slope in northern India, a secretive cat becomes part of village life. Wildlife photographer Puskar Basu heads into the Himalayan mountains to find it.

Intimate photos show chimps using insects as medicine to treat each other's wounds in Gabon

Chimpanzees in Gabon’s Loango National Park have been observed treating each others’ wounds using insects – a unique demonstration of potentially advanced cultural activity.

Meet the critically endangered Indri: The striking lemur with a haunting call

All you need to know about the critically endangered Indri lemur - including why it makes such haunting calls

Child finds mammoth tooth in playground on Vancouver Island – and it has got scientists very excited

Analysis of the piece of tooth, along with other mammoth samples, suggests these prehistoric giants roamed the Canadian island for much longer than was previously thought.

Why do howler monkeys scream? The secrets behind the loudest monkey in the world's deafening howl

How and why do howler monkeys scream so loud? Ben Garrod investigates
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