Insects & Invertebrates

Insects & Invertebrates

Butterfly emergency declared

Following stark results of this summer's Big Butterfly Count, wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation has declared a 'Butterfly Emergency’

Terrifying tiny millipede fires menacing Velcro-like bristles from its butt at assailants

With its unique, Velcro-like bristles that cling to predators, the tiny Porcupine-Velcro Millipede (Polyxenus fasciculatus) is a master of self-defence in the insect world.

Termites wear explosive 'backpacks' and blow themselves up to protect their colony

How a 'backpack' full of a toxic blue substance allows a termite to blow itself up, along with the threat, if its colony is threatened

Are these the weirdest eyes ever—and the biggest for their body size? Meet the bizarre stalk-eyed flies, nature's oddball insect

In the world of male stalk-eyed flies, size id everything when it comes to eyes says Nick Baker.

6 of the prettiest - and possibly weirdest - insects in the world that you might not know

There some amazingly beautiful, yet little known, insects on our planet. Stuart Blackman picks a few of his favourites

This metallic blue tarantula is the most beautiful spider in the world – and it's also one of the world's rarest

If ever proof were needed that spiders can be beautiful, then this is surely it. Meet the Gooty tarantula

This venomous spider traps male fireflies in its web and forces them to flash like females. Experts just found out why

Scientists think that the orb-weaver spider's venomous bite might somehow cause behavioural changes in the fireflies. A new study shines a light on why they do this.

Is spider silk - pound for pound - as strong as steel?

Just how strong is spider silk? Richard Jones takes a look

6 terrifying worms that will give you nightmares, from one that can slice its prey in half to a nine-foot monster

Prepare for a scare as we take a look at some of the most terrifying worms on the planet.

How long can a cockroach live without its head?

Did you know insects can live without their heads? We take a look at how long a cockroach could survive without its head

What's the biggest centipede in the world? Meet the stuff of nightmares, venomous enough to kill a bat - and possibly a small child

Meet the biggest - and most venomous - centipede in the world

Tarantula discovered in Arizona's 'Sky Islands' already at risk of extinction, say scientists

Over the next few decades, the forests that cloak the Chiricahua Mountains will be “pushed off” because of climate change, in turn leading to the extinction of the newly described spider, say scientists from the University of Idaho.

How do bees make royal jelly? And who in the hive is lucky enough to eat this tasty delight?

What is royal jelly and how do bees make it? Richard Jones takes look

What's the difference between spider silk and caterpillar silk?

What is silk? Is caterpillar silk the same as spider silk? Richard Jones takes a look

How do spiders fly and how far can they go? You will be surprised...

Helen Smith takes a look at how and why spiders take to the skies

Do butterflies really lose the ability to fly if their wings are touched?

Richard Jones explains the truth behind the myth butterflies lose the ability to fly if their wings are touched

This super-rare fish-hunting spider is making a comeback in the UK. Here's why it's exciting

Narrowly evading extinction in 2010, the fen raft spider – one of the UK’s largest spiders – is making an incredible recovery thanks to successful conservation efforts. And it's good news for other wildlife too...

Why do we see more spiders in the summer?

Richard Jones takes a look at why spiders make their presence felt during the summer months

Do snails and slugs have teeth? From cutting to slicing, why snails and slugs have thousands of deadly teeth

You have probably never thought about whether snails and slugs have teeth, but they do...

"It looks like a rotting plastic bag." Astonishingly strange half-a-billion-year-old slug discovered in China

The new species of extinct marine animal, found in China's Yunnan Province, sheds light on the early stages of mollusc evolution, say scientists.

Does Antarctica have any insects? And what's this hostile continent's largest permanent land animal?

Antarctica's hostile conditions doesn't make it an ideal place for insects says Richard Jones

How water beetles find - and navigate to - new ponds

Jules Howard takes a look at how water beetles find new homes
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