
Southern rockhopper penguin guide: how to identify, what to eat and why they can jump

A look at the smallest penguin species...

Galápagos penguin guide: how to identify, what they eat and how they survive in the heat

Discover their unique characteristics and their role in the Galápagos ecosystem

Humboldt penguin guide: where they live, what they eat and how they got their name

Explore the lives of these fascinating creatures...

Little penguin guide: how to identify, what they eat and are they really nocturnal

These pint-sized birds are full of personality...

Macaroni penguin guide: how to identify, where they live and why are they endangered

From their breeding colonies to their feeding habits, learn everything you need to know about these adorable creatures.

Moseley's (or northern) rockhopper penguin guide: how to identify, where they leave and what they eat

Distinguished by its vibrant yellow crest, this penguin is a small, agile bird that thrives on the rugged, rocky islands of the sub-Antarctic region.

Chinstrap penguin guide: where they live, what they eat and key predators

A fascinating glimpse into the lives of animals that not only survive but flourish against the odds

Bald eagles are dying in Upstate New York – and experts know why

Golden eagles, American crows and Virginia opossums are also being found dead in the hills and forests of the northeastern US state...

Weirdest birds: meet 14 strange and weird wonders of the avian world

There are plenty of contenders for the weirdest bird list from the 'stinky' hoatzin to the strange-looking secretary bird. Here are our favourite weirdest birds

"It’s just so weird." Scientists just found something very strange inside the guts of this freaky prehistoric bird...

Palaeontologists thought they had figured out why the odd-looking bird had such sharp, rock-solid teeth, until they found something odd in its stomach...

What causes birds to be different colours? We take a look at what determines colour

Wondering why birds come in such a wide range of colours? Mike Toms explains

“We will be ready to greet them with our hearts wide open.” Extinct-in-the-Wild sihek begins journey back to Pacific home

Siheks, or Guam kingfishers, were wiped out by invasive snakes in the 1980s. Now, thanks to conservation efforts, they are edging back towards a life in the wild, reports Graeme Green.

Why do flamingoes stand on one leg?

Have you noticed that lots of flamingos and other water birds often stand on one leg? Mike Toms explains why...

Why don't penguins' feet freeze? They look chilly...

How do penguins keep their feet warm in sub-zero Antarctic conditions? Mike Toms explains

How do birds fuel their migrations? We take a look how they stoke up for lengthy journeys

Mike Toms takes a look at how birds fuel for lengthy migrations

Meet the man safeguarding owls from an illicit trade in central Nepal

Nepal’s Raju Acharya has been awarded a 2024 Whitley Award for spearheading a ten-year plan to safeguard the country's owls, including the jungle owlet, rock eagle owl and Eurasian eagle owl.

How long does it take for a bird to lay an egg?

How long does a bird take to lay an egg? Mike Toms explains...

Can chickens fly? They might not be as grounded as you think

Ellen Husain takes a look at a chicken's ability to fly

How do birds fly? We explain how they get - and stay - airborne

Just how do birds stay in the air and fly? We take a look at a bird's anatomy and dynamics

Gruesome images of albatross chicks eaten alive by house mice highlight need for action on remote Indian Ocean island

Conservationists estimate that wandering albatross and 18 other species will disappear as breeding birds on Marion Island if the house mice continue to predate them.

Great Bittern guide: what they eat, where they live and how to spot them

We take a look at the biggest wader, the Great Bittern
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