Are nudibranchs the most beautiful animals on the planet? One of them might also be as deadly as it's beautiful...

Are nudibranchs the most beautiful animals on the planet? One of them might also be as deadly as it's beautiful...

Nudibranchs are one of the world's most beautiful animals, known for their vibrant colours and intricate patterns

Published: September 5, 2024 at 11:04 am

Butterflies and orchids might give them a run for their money, but few groups of animals or plants are as consistently gorgeous as the marine animals known as nudibranchs, says Stuart Blackman.

Nudibranchs are a type of soft-bodied, marine gastropod mollusc known for their vibrant colours and intricate patterns and are found in oceans worldwide, from shallow reefs to deep sea.

Blue Dragon, Glaucus Atlanticus, Blue Sea Slug

And few nudibranchs are as gorgeous as the blue glaucus Glaucus atlanticus. But it is a beauty best viewed from a distance. Because a blue glaucus can deliver the sting of a Portuguese man o’ war – quite literally.

These spectacular sea slugs patrol tropical oceans where they hang suspended, and upside-down, from the surface tension. Their favourite food is large, venomous, floating jellyfish. Not only are they immune to their prey’s potent venom, but they can incorporate the stinging cells into their own tentacles. Look, but never lick.

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