Photo Club competition terms and conditions

Photo Club competition terms and conditions

  1. Promoter: Our Media Bristol Limited
  2. The BBC Code of Conduct for competitions can be found at and all BBC-branded magazines comply with the Code.
  3. Competition is open to all amateur photographers over 18 years of age, except employees or contractors of Immediate Media and anyone connected with the promotion or their direct family members.
  4. This competition is open to all UK and non-UK residents and is subject to the laws of England. Entrants outside the UK must adhere to local laws.
  5. By entering a competition, the participants agree: to be bound by these terms and conditions; that their surname and county of residence will be published if their image is chosen or wins a prize; and that should they win the competition, their name and likeness may be used for pre-arranged promotional purposes.
  6. Entrants should follow the instructions for BBC Wildlife's Photo Club competition carefully in order to enter and all entries must be submitted via the online entry form.
  7. Entrants must supply their full name, email address, county or state and a 100-word story to accompany their image. We will use entrants’ personal details in accordance with the Immediate Media Privacy Policy.
  8. A maximum of three entries, each containing a different image, will be permitted per person per issue (every four weeks), regardless of method of entry. Bulk entries made by third parties will not be permitted.
  9. Each image can only be entered once, must have been created in the past three years and be your own original work. You must be the sole author and owner of the copyright of all images entered. The Promoter does not accept any liability for the publication of unlawfully reproduced images.
  10. Computer-generated or computer-altered images will not be accepted. Artwork and illustrations will not be accepted. Works that have been submitted into other competitions will be accepted.
  11. All photos must be submitted as jpegs.
  12. By entering your image, you agree to grant BBC Wildlife the non-exclusive right to publish, feature, reproduce and use it in BBC Wildlife's print and digital media, in existence now or later invented with credit to you.
  13. The photos will be judged by members of the BBC Wildlife editorial team and an independent party.
  14. The winning entries of the competition will be the images that in the judges’ opinion are the best. Winning entries will be published in an upcoming issue of BBC Wildlife.
  15. The judges’ decision as to the winner is final and no correspondence relating to a competition will be entered.
  16. The promoter reserves the right not to appoint a winner if, in the opinion of the judges, the quality of entries falls below the standard required.
  17. The winners will be notified by email within 10 days of the on sale date of the issue that their image is published in.
  18. We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions or to cancel, alter or amend a competition at any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion, or if circumstances arise outside its control.
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