Mammals episode three: What to expect from the 'Water' episode

Mammals episode three: What to expect from the 'Water' episode

Hunting orcas, diving monkeys and star-nosed moles feature in episode three of Sir David Attenborough's stunning new wildlife series, Mammals. Find out what else to expect from the episode, plus how to watch it.

Published: April 8, 2024 at 3:00 am

Episode three of Sir David Attenborough's latest series Mammals is all about water.

Very few mammals have managed to lose all ties with land and conquer life in water, one of the greatest challenges for an air breathing mammal. Those that have are some of the cleverest of all, forming surprising bonds not just amongst their own but with other species as well. 

Mammals | official trailer. Credit: BBC studios

What can we expect from episode three of Mammals?

Less than 2% of mammal species are considered truly marine mammals. Those that have mastered the art of living in water have become some of the most specialised creatures on the planet, characterised by their intelligence, ingenuity and adaptability.

Galapagos sea lion
A Galapagos sea lion pup suckles from its mother on beach. Credit: BBC Studios/Sarah-Jane Walsh

In the 'Water' episode, the Mammals team take you on a journey from inland freshwater pools, where monkeys forage for food, to the mysterious deep ocean, where the largest toothed predator on Earth, the sperm whale, pursues its prey.

Toque macaque
A toque macaque underwater in search of seed pods, in Sri Lanka. Credit: BBC Studios

Back at the surface, witness the birth of a huge sperm whale calf, and watch orcas hunting a young humpback with never-seen-before behaviour.

Sperm whale
Sperm whale adult and calf come up for air in Mauritius. Credit: BBC Studios/Ellis Roberts

Off the coast of New Zealand, false killer whales and bottlenose dolphins hunt together, while nearer shore a dolphin mother overcomes the problems of hunting in the warm shallow waters of Florida Bay, by creating rings of muddy water in order to catch fish and feed her family. 

Californian sea lions
A group of Californian Sea lions swim in the open ocean off Baja California, Mexico. Credit: BBC Studios

One of the most curious mammals featured in this episode is the unique and bizarre star-nosed mole, with its highly sensitive nose and paddle-like feet. This creature has successfully managed to straddle both land and water, hunting underground and underwater.

Star-nosed mole
A star-nosed mole swims through the water of its flooded burrow. Credit: BBC Studios

In Mexico, coastal coyotes have learnt they can benefit from the daily offerings washed up on the shore with each new tide, helping them to not just survive, but thrive, on the harsh fringes between the barren desert and fertile Pacific Ocean.

A coyote stands on top of a washed-up grey whale carcass on the coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Credit: BBC Studios

When and where to watch episode three of Mammals

The third episode of Mammals will air on BBC One and BBC iPlayer at 7pm on Sunday 14 April. Episodes will be released weekly. 

Find out more about Mammals.

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