A new Attenborough-narrated film about our planet’s oceans, Ocean with David Attenborough, is being released worldwide to coincide with the broadcaster’s 99th birthday.
Produced by Silverback Films (the makers of BBC One’s Wild Isles) and Open Planet Studios, the film delivers David Attenborough's most powerful message yet.
When is Ocean with David Attenborough being released?
The film Ocean with David Attenborough will be released on 8 May.
Where can I watch Ocean with David Attenborough?
Ocean with David Attenborough will have a global cinema release. If you're in the UK, you can check your nearest showing on Altitude Films' website. The film will also be available globally on National Geographic, Disney+ and Hulu later this year.

What is Ocean with David Attenborough about?
Immersive cinematography showcases coral reefs, kelp forests and the open ocean, as well as the challenges facing these habitats. The film also aims to show how they hold the key to a flourishing planet.
Sir David Attenborough says, “My lifetime has coincided with the great age of ocean discovery. Over the last hundred years, scientists and explorers have revealed remarkable new species, epic migrations and dazzling, complex ecosystems beyond anything I could have imagined as a young man. In this film, we share some of those wonderful discoveries, uncover why our ocean is in such poor health, and, perhaps most importantly, show how it can be restored. This could be the moment of change. Nearly every country on Earth has just agreed, on paper, to protect a third of the ocean. Together, we now face the challenge of making it happen.”
Main image: David Attenborough/Credit: Keith Scholey/Silverback Films/Open Planet Studios
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