

How to help a beached whale or dolphin - and help save its life

A beached cetacean is a distressing sight, but there are ways you can help until the marine medics arrive, says British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR)

Why whales and dolphins don't suffer from the bends

John Arnott takes a look at why cetaceans don't suffer from the bends

Sperm whale guide: where they live, what they eat and why they are called sperm whales

Discover all you need to know about sperm whales, from where they live to the sounds they make to communicate

Fin whale guide: how big they are, their lifespan - and just how fast they can swim

It’s the second-largest animal on Earth, but the mysterious fin whale has long been overlooked by everyone from scientists to photographers, says Philip Hoare. Until now…

How did whales get so big?

Just how did whales get so big? We take a look at the evidence

Are killer whales dangerous to humans?

In the wild orcas pose no threat to humans says James Fair

Scientists discover blue whale song is Beethoven’s Ninth

Marine biologists have analysed a body of blue whale recordings to discover one pod has been mimicking Beethoven’s Ode to Joy for 30 years
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