British Wildlife
The deadly Asian hornet: how to identify, what they like to eat, why they are a grave worry- and how to report a sighting
Considered a pest, and a particular threat to honeybees, Asian hornets were accidentally introduced to Europe in 2004.
How to identify mammal skulls - and work out the creature they once belonged to
Skulls can be found virtually anywhere, but skull identification can be difficult. Learn how to identify common mammal skulls in our expert guide.
BBC Winterwatch: when is Winterwatch on TV and how can I watch it?
Everything you need to know about BBC Winterwatch, including when it's on and how to watch
How to get rid of mice and rats in your house
Identify the signs they leave, what problems they cause, how to get rid of rats and mice humanely and how to prevent them from returning to your home.
Who is Michaela Strachan? Everything you need to know about the Springwatch presenter
Naturalist and TV presenter Michaela Strachan is best known for her work on Springwatch, but did you know she once had a career in pop music? Here is everything you need to know about Michaela Strachan.
How to identify animal droppings: Our guide to the wildlife poop you might find in your garden or out on a walk
Droppings or scats can tell us a lot about which animals have been visiting our gardens, parks and countryside, including hedgehogs, foxes and badgers. Our expert guide explains how to identify which poos belong to which species. Plus, animal droppings from species from around the world – and fungi and insects you might spot on droppings.
Just what are the point of whiskers? Why animals have whiskers and how they work
Why do animals have whiskers? And how do whiskers work? We explain
Who is Gillian Burke? Everything you need to know about the Springwatch and Winterwatch presenter
Natural history programme presenter and voice-over artist Gillian Burke is best-known for presenting the BBC nature series Springwatch. Here is everything you need to know about Gillian Burke.
BBC Springwatch: When is Springwatch on television and how can I watch it?
Springwatch is almost here! Here's all you need to know about the popular programme, including when it's on
The mysteries of glow worms explained: what they are and why they glow
All you need to know about glow worms, including how and why they glow...
If the woodcock is a wader, why does it live in woods?
Mike Toms discusses this non-wading woodland wader
Great tit bird guide: how to identify great tits by sight and call, and what they eat
Discover why the great tit is a shape-shifter and master songsmith in this expert guide by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO).
How to grow an oak tree from an acorn
Autumn is the perfect time to try growing an oak tree, here's how
New UK coins to reflect King Charles III’s passion for wildlife
The Royal Mint has unveiled eight new coin designs inspired by Britain's flora and fauna – find out which animal or plant is on what coin...
Grasshoppers: all you need to know
Learn all about grasshoppers in our quick-reference guide.
How to identify wildlife paths and beds
Tall vegetation in midsummer makes it easy to spot the regular paths that wild animals take - and where they rested.
How to identify mammal bones on the seashore
Mammal expert Steve Harris discusses which mammal bones you might find washed ashore, and how to identify them.
How to identify baby birds
Identify common baby birds with this handy chart
Best bird tables: how to choose the best table to get more birds into your garden
Attract birds into your wildlife garden with a bird table. We’ve shared a selection of our favourite bird tables – including hanging, standalone and ground bird tables – to suit a range of styles and budgets.
Sown vs native road verges: which is best?
Local councils and institutions are transforming road verges into rivers of flowers – and saving money while they do it. But are these sown ‘meadows’ any good for pollinators and other wildlife?
Wildlife and mental health: how birdwatching saved my life
After hitting rock bottom, it was taking time to mindfully appreciate the beauty of birds that set one man on the road to recovery.
Are there big cats in the UK countryside?
Photos of big cats taken on trail cams or smartphones are not evidence for their presence in the British countryside, says Andrew Kitchener. But could new 'evidence' go further? Could there be wild big cats in the UK countryside after all?
Garden wildlife to spot throughout the year: what's likely to be living in - and visiting - your garden?
What wildlife could you see in your garden throughout the year - if you're lucky? We take a look....
Red squirrel guide: where they're found, what they eat, and the threats they face
Learn all about red squirrels, including how how pine martens help them in our expert guide by the Saving Scotland's Red Squirrels project.