The survey is taking place between 1 April and 30 June with volunteers being asked to record all sightings and signs of mammals in green spaces in urban areas.
Run by the People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES), the survey has taken place annually since 2003.
In 2018, the top five mammals recorded were: grey squirrels, foxes, mice, hedgehogs and bats.
Although there are many other British mammals that you may find while exploring this spring.

“Green spaces and the wildlife they support are important - they provide food, clean air and water, and make us healthier and happier,” says PTES surveys officer David Wembridge.
“Long-term surveys such as this offer invaluable data to conservationists working to save Britain’s wildlife, with the help of the public. For example, surveys have shown that at least half of the hedgehog population has been lost from the countryside in the last two decades.”

Volunteers can spend as much time as they like at their chosen site, and are asked to record their findings on the PTES website.

Main image: © Dave Cooper/Hedgehog Street