Sir David Attenborough is to teach 12 lucky students on a new MA designed to bring on the next generation of natural-history programme makers.
The renowned presenter will deliver a masterclass to the National Film and Television School’s first-ever Directing Natural History and Science MA, which starts in January next year.
Course leader Paul Reddish – who has worked with Sir David on a number of natural history series – said students could learn a lot from what he would have to say.

Film-making is about telling stories, says course leader Paul Reddish.
“David brings great authority to his films, based on an in-depth knowledge of the natural world, along with a deep and life-long passion for nature,” Reddish added.
Though the way in which natural history films are made is developing all the time as technology advances, some things never change, Reddish said.
“Film making is, at its core, about telling stories,” he said. “That doesn't change. Technology moves on, and by having tutors and teachers who are still at the cutting edge of film making, students will learn about, and work with, the latest technology.”
In recent years, Sir David Attenborough has taken to speaking out about environmental and conservation issues. He has highlighted the need to tackle climate change and overpopulation and spoken out against badger culling in England.
More of his films have included messages about the threats to our planet, too.
Asked whether wildlife film-making had an important role in delivering conservation stories, Reddish said: “Wildlife films now cover a wide spectrum, from straight conservation messages, to warnings of environmental issues and extinctions to ‘blue chip’ films of beauty that inspire and restore our love of nature and the natural world.
“Each student will have their own views on what they want to say. The course allows and encourages that individuality. I hope to see our graduates make films on a wide range of subjects, including conservation and the environment.”