My favoured use for rosebay willowherb is in the preparation of Ivan's tea, or Koporye tea. Unlike so many other herbal teas, including ordinary black tea, it is not diuretic.
As you may have guessed from the name, Ivan's tea is a popular drink from Russia. It is thought to have originated sometime in the twelth or thirteenth century in the village of Kopoyre around sixty miles west of St Petersburg.

It is quite unlike the herbal teas you might be used to from tea bags, with a flavour closer to green tea than one made with nettle or peppermint.
It is naturally free of caffeine, so can be drunk at any time of day.
In the early nineteenth century, enterprising crooks used the naturally abundant leaves to adulterate imported tea leaves. A parliamentary investigation in 1835 found that over four million pounds in weight of ‘fictitious tea’ had been sold in Britain, much of it coming from rosebay willowherb and sloe.