This is a real taste of the Hebrides, foraging the beautiful heather flowers while in season add to this classic nutty biscotti recipe.
To dry the heather, cut spikes of the flowers while they are still in bud, and hang them to dry in small bunches out of direct sunlight.
What is heather?

There are a number of plants referred to as heathers, a group of flowering plants typically found on heathlands and moorlands. The species referred to in this recipe is ling (Calluna vulgaris), sometimes known as Scottish heather or common heather and sometimes just as heather, which is the most common heather species in the Hebrides as it loves wet soil.
It has narrow, small and evergreen leaves, with pink or pale purple flowers which bloom from mid-summer to autumn.
The ling heather is closely related to the Erica genus, which contains species such as bell heather.