I just love making nut butters! They taste great, are free from the palm oil often included in commercial nut butters, and are rich in magnesium, calcium, unsaturated fats and vitamins B and E. Plus, they are delicious and really easy to make!
The same recipe works just as well using peanuts.
When to pick hazelnuts
Hazel (Corylus avellana) is abundant in the UK in hedgerows and woodlands. The female flowers are the ones that develop into delicious hazelnuts, which ripen in late summer, and are much coveted by squirrels, mice and people.

Hazelnuts are safe to eat once the papery outer covering starts to peel back. Ripe nuts can be found in September and October.
However, they can be picked when still green and left to ripen in a warm, dark and dry location.