Blackberries are distinctive fruits which grow on bramble with its thorny branches (watch out if you're harvesting) and little red-purple-black fruits made of individual 'drupe's - little drops that hold the seeds and juice.
Blackberries are incredibly versatile fruits, and can be used in a wide variety of foraging recipes – that is, if they don’t all get eaten straight from the bush!
Our bramble guide lists a range of recipes you may like to try, including blackberry cordial, apple and blackberry crumble, blackberry jam and more.

Blackberries start off as small and green, before turning red and then gradually darkening through to purple and then glossy black. Go for these ones that are black and shiny, and give them a good wash to remove any dirt or insects that could be lurking.
If you fancy more foraging ideas, head to our foraging hub which includes advice on the best foraging books, an interview with expert forager and author John Wright, and plenty of foraging recipe ideas, such as how to make hazelnut butter or how to make rosehip syrup.