Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC)
Whale and Dolphin Conservation is the leading global charity dedicated to the conservation and protection of whales and dolphins.
Whale and Dolphin Conservation is the leading global charity dedicated to the conservation and protection of whales and dolphins, defending them against the many threats they face through campaigns, lobbying, advising governments, science, and rescue.
Recent articles by Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC)
It's harpoon-proof, 'sings' jazz music, and lives up to 200 years – meet this record-breaking giant of the animal world
The animal can also smash through solid ice and has no teeth – and has left scientists baffled over the years
How do whales mate? For animals as big as whales, sex can be a tricky and lengthy affair - here's how they do it
Discover the fascinating world of whale reproduction...
Dolphin vs shark: what's the difference between these charismatic ocean dwellers?
What's the difference between a shark and a dolphin? The experts at Whale and Dolphin Conservation explains what makes a dolphin a dolphin and a shark a shark
Amazon River dolphin guide: Learn all about this beautiful pink dolphin and how it differs to its ocean cousins.
All you need to know about the amazing Amazon River Dolphin from the experts at Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Whale vs dolphin: what's the difference between these mysterious denizens of the ocean?
What's the difference between a whale and a dolphin? Whale and Dolphin Conservation explain what makes a whale a whale and a dolphin a dolphin.
Beluga whale guide: Where they live, what they eat, how big they are - and why they're called beluga and what it means.
Learn all about their unique adaptations and social behaviours in this expert guide from Whale and Dolpin Conservation.
Discover the rare vaquita, a tiny porpoise on the brink of extinction
Learn all about the vaquita, the world's smallest and rarest cetacean in this expert guide from Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Gray whale guide: where they live, what they eat and why they're not named after the colour grey
Discover all you need to know about gray whales, including how big they are, what they eat, lifespan and where they live
Pilot whale guide: where they live, what they eat, how intelligent they are - and why they are called pilot whales
Learn all about the unmistakable pilot whale, from their diet and size to life in the pod and why, sadly, they're prone to beaching
Sperm whale guide: where they live, what they eat and why they are called sperm whales
Discover all you need to know about sperm whales, from where they live to the sounds they make to communicate
Bottlenose dolphin guide: where they live, what threats they face and just how intelligent they are
Learn all about the charismatic bottlenose dolphin in our expert guide from Whale and Dolphin Conservation, from how it got its name to how it uses tools.
Narwhal guide: what do they eat, how deep can they dive, how many blow holes they have
Discover how narwhals got their name, what is unique about their tusks, where they live and more in our expert guide
Whales, dolphins and porpoises of the UK guide: which species to look out for, how to identify, and where to see them
Watching whales, dolphins and porpoises in their natural habitat, the ocean where they belong, is a wonderful experience. In the waters surrounding the UK at least 28 of the globally recognized species have been spotted.