Simon Birch
Simon Birch is an award-winning freelance journalist who has specialised in environmental and ethically themed features for 20 years. He regularly contribute to a wide range of national newspapers and magazines.
Recent articles by Simon Birch
EU votes to reduce protection for wolves
A vote to downgrade the protection status of Europe's wolves is a blow for biodiversity, say wildlife campaigners
Millions of insects squeeze through narrow mountain pass in the Pyrenees in "magical" migration spectacle
Every autumn, more than 17 million insects pass through a single 30-metre-wide mountain gap on the border between France and Spain, new research shows.
Unique time-lapse photography shows 'dramatic' recovery of Scotland's most threatened habitats
The long-term photography study provides evidence that Caledonian pine forests and peat bogs are now recovering thanks to conservation efforts.
A cougar-like predator is attacking lemurs in Madagascar. Both are in jeopardy and scientists don't know what to do
New evidence of the critically endangered diademed sifaka lemur being targeted by the vulnerable fossa is presenting conservationists with a tricky problem.
Grouse shooting: 'Seismic' changes set for industry as new Scottish law aims to tackle raptor persecution
The Scottish grouse industry will be regulated for the first time in its history in an effort to address the longstanding illegal persecution of birds of prey across Scotland.
Songbird slaughter: Almost half a million birds trapped and killed by gangs in Cyprus
Progress to reduce the number of birds illegally killed on the island is at risk if support to tackle criminal gangs isn't maintained, says report.
Gannet and great skua among UK seabirds devastated by avian flu, finds new report
The impact of bird flu that ripped through the UK's seabird colonies is worse than feared, according to a new RSPB report. But the banning of industrial sandeel fishing offers hope for the long-term future of some threatened species.
Poland pauses logging in 10 ancient forests
New government promises long-term protection for ancient forests, including Białowieża, the largest remant of an vast primeval forest that once spanned the European Plain.
Giant pre-historic worms discovered in Greenland
Fossil remains reveal completely new group of gigantic oceanic predators that existed more than half a billion years ago.
Iceland's whaling is internationally condemned. Could this latest decision offer hope for fin whales?
The groundbreaking decision by the Icelandic government lasts until late August and could spell the end of whaling in the country
Gannet eye colour changes from blue to black following avian flu infection
Researchers find the first species of wild bird to recover from avian flu – and their eyes have changed colour
Captive-bred wildcats to be released in Scotland
Saving Wildcats conservation project reaches an important milestone this summer
Wildfowling goes lead-free in EU
Landmark law to save millions of wetland birds comes into effect
Elephants make beelines for their favourite foods
New research tracks the foraging routes of African elephants using satellites
Hen harrier breeding project takes flight
The raptors are to be released onto Salisbury Plain in an attempt to revive the bird of prey in southern England
Raptor persecution remains at a high level
Illegal shooting, trapping and poisoning of birds of prey shows no sign of decreasing
Sharks finally given greater protection
Historic vote finally regulates trade in shark fins but threat remains from trade in shark meat
COP27 ‘fails to deliver’
No phase out for fossil fuels but nature-based solutions to climate crisis gains support at United Nations climate change conference in Egypt
New species of shrew shows up in Sunderland
If the greater white-toothed shrew becomes established, it will be the first new ground-dwelling mammal species in Britain since the American mink in the 1920s.
Wolves are making a comeback in Europe
Wolves, brown bears and white-tailed eagles are just some of the top predators thriving in Europe, according to a new report.
Extinct parrot from Rio makes a comeback in Brazil
One of the world's rarest parrots – Spix's macaw, whose plight featured in the animated film Rio – has been successfully released back into the wild.
Avian flu is killing thousands of UK birds
Wildlife groups are warning that an outbreak of avian flu could have a potentially devastating impact on Britain’s wild birds, especially globally important seabird populations.
Global bird populations face huge declines
Human behaviour is to blame for the downward spiral of bird species – but there is hope.
Giraffe numbers increasing, but numbers are still low warns charity
A positive population trend has been reported by a giraffe conservation charity, providing hope for the iconic species.