Mammal Society
Established in 1954, the Mammal Society is a charity that promotes science-led mammal conservation to preserve these charismatic species for future generations. As the only society focused on all of Britain’s mammals, it works to identify effective conservation strategies and to provide scientific evidence to determine policy and practice.
Recent articles by Mammal Society
Harvest mouse guide: how to identify, and why its tail is unique
With its diminutive size and semi-prehensile tail, the harvest mouse is one of the most charming of the UK's mammal species. Learn more about this species in our expert guide by the Mammal Society.
European water vole guide: identification, diet and habitat
The water vole is the largest of the vole species found in the UK, and can be confused with the similarly-sized brown rat.
Mammal Photographer of the Year 2021
View the winning and highly commended images from this year's Mammal Photographer of the Year competition.
Wood mouse guide: how to identify, diet and habitat
The wood mouse's alternative common name – long-tailed field mouse – betrays the fact that it is not restricted to woodlands. In our expert wood mouse guide by the Mammal Society, find out more about the common native rodent in Britain.
Scottish wildcat guide: how to identify, where they live, and conservation efforts
Discover amazing facts about Britains last native felines, including why they are only found in Scotland, and whether they can be saved in our expert guide by the Mammal Society.