Author Jo Price
Jo Price

Jo Price

Deputy editor, BBC Wildlife Magazine

Jo Price is the deputy editor of BBC Wildlife Magazine. She trained as a journalist at Cardiff University and has been a member of the BBC Wildlife team for nine years, working in various roles. Jo commissions exciting natural history content and interviews experts for the magazine’s Wild Times section and She enjoys wildlife gardening to support an array of species, including a few hedgehogs: creating a hedgehog highway has resulted in the prickly mammals visiting her suburban garden to forage and hibernate. Jo spends her weekends exploring local nature reserves, Magor Marsh and RSPB Newport Wetlands, and going on countryside walks and bike rides with her family.

Recent articles by Jo Price

The kangaroo: All you need to know about Australia's most iconic animal - and its famous hop

Discover the world's biggest marsupial, the kangaroo, famous for its amazing hop

Get to know the fearsome black mamba – one of the word's deadliest snakes

All you need to know about one of the world's deadliest snakes - the black mamba

Discover the feared - and rare -Gila monster, a venomous reptile that can deliver an agonising bite

Jo Price explains all you need to know about the Gila monster, including how its venom has helped save lives

A gigantic prehistoric sea monster discovered on the UK’s Jurassic Coast has got scientists excited

Join Sir David Attenborough as he unravels the mysteries of this captivating creature in his documentary, Attenborough and the Giant Sea Monster

Familiar birds added to revised UK Red List

House martin, swift, greenfinch and Bewick’s swan are given status of “highest conservation concern”.
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