David Lindo
Author, birder and public speaker
David Lindo is a birder, broadcaster, writer, naturalist, photographer, public speaker, and tour leader. His mission is to engage city folk around the world with the environment through the medium of birds. During the coronavirus pandemic, he set up In Conservation With…, a series of Zoom interviews with some of the leading figures in the natural history sector.
Recent articles by David Lindo
What is the strongest bird in the world? Meet the avian champion weightlifters
We take a look at the world's strongest birds
Genets: meet the strikingly beautiful, yet incredibly elusive cat-like creatures that roam Africa - and bizarrely Europe
Handsome yet overlooked, the genet is one of the world's most mysterious carnivores. David Lindo takes a look at this mysterious cat-like creature
Why do we say ‘bald as a coot’?
Poor old coots get a rough ride. ‘David Lindo takes a look at the origin of the saying 'bald as a coot’
Watching the birds in your garden
David Lindo, The Urban Birder, provides a beginner’s guide to bird watching at home – how to attract birds to your garden and the species you might see.
How to identify bird song and bird calls
Birder and author David Lindo explains the difference between bird calls and bird song, and how to learn how to identify bird song from different species.
How to be a twitcher
Avid bird watchers are often called twitchers. Learn more about twitching, and if it is something you want to get involved in in our expert twitching guide.
How to understand birders' language
You’re sitting in a hide and overhear other birders talking. The conversation ranges from ‘LRPs’ and ‘roosting Leos’ and you scratch your chin as you try to decipher their code – welcome to the world of birding jargon.
How to watch birds migrating
The One Show’s ‘Urban Birder’ explains 'viz migging’, or visible migration watching, and how you can watch it.
How to get involved with bird conservation
The One Show’s ‘Urban Birder’ explains how you can get involved with bird surveys and conservation.
How to take notes out bird watching
Keeping notes about the birds you see on your local birding patch - either just brief details or more detailed descriptions - will help you to gain indepth insights.
Good bird watching fieldcraft
What to wear and how to behave in order to see more birds when out bird watching.
Bird watching – the art of observation
Learn how to look - and always have your binoculars handy - and you will see more birds.
Bird watching further afield
Once you've built up your bird watching confidence on your own patch, you might want to venture further afield...
Bird watching on your local patch
Enjoy bird watching close to home - how to choose a local patch.