Chris Vick
Author and conservationist
Chris Vick is an author of several books with the sea, nature and conservation at their heart. His most recent novel, The Last Whale warns of the collapse of whale populations if humanity does not act to protect them, and was called a ‘beautifully written conservationist call to arms,’ by The Guardian. His books have been shortlisted for major prizes in the UK and internationally. He has worked in whale conservation for 30 years, and is currently Director of Strategic Development at WDC (Whale and Dolphin Conservation). He has written for surf magazines, The Guardian, WDC’s website and appeared at numerous festivals including Hay and The Cheltenham Literature Festival.
Recent articles by Chris Vick
How do dolphins sleep?
Getting enough sleep is crucial for any animal. Chris Vick takes a look at how dolphins manage
Have whales recovered since the whaling moratorium?
A moratorium on commercial whaling was introduced, and widely implemented, in the 1980s in a bid to stop the decline in whale populations – but did it work?