Chris Naylor
Chris Naylor loves fresh air and adventure, and believes any day that doesn’t involve the great outdoors is a missed opportunity. He is passionate about inspiring others to get out into nature and to be curious about the world around them.
Recent articles by Chris Naylor
How to roast sweet chestnuts
Sweet chestnuts can be cooked in a variety of ways and eaten either on their own (roasted) or in pies, soups and salads.
How to make bilberry muffins
Bilberries can have a sour taste, and although they can be eaten on their own, they're usually more enjoyable when they've been cooked. Here, Chris Naylor shares his recipe for making bilberry muffins.
How to make water mint tea
Mint has been shown to soothe the stomach and promote healthy digestion, to ease feelings of nausea and to reduce inflammation. Chris Naylor shares how to make tea using water mint leaves.
How to make dandelion syrup
Dandelions are great for a range of pollinators, and can also be used for a variety of foraging recipes. Chris Naylor shares his recipe for making dandelion syrup, also known as dandelion honey.
How to make wild garlic pesto
Wild garlic is a popular plant for foraging as it can be used in a variety of ways, and is usually found in abundance. Chris Naylor shares his recipe for making wild garlic pesto.