Adriano Chiarello
Sloth biologist and member of the IUCN SSC Anteater, Sloth and Armadillo Specialist Group
Adriano Chiarello received a PhD in ecology from the University of Cambridge, England, in 1998. Since the 1990s he has studied mammal ecology and conservation, and from 1995 on he has investigated the maned sloths (Bradypus torquatus) in the Atlantic forest of Brazil. Some of his most relevant results published thus far on this species include aspects on diet, activity and ranging analyses, the assessment of translocation as a conservation alternative, the discovery of sexual dimorphism and conservation genetics. Working more recently with this sloth species he has reviewed and updated its geographic distribution and habitat preferences and, in collaboration with colleagues, modelled landscape occupancy and related parameters. Since 2011 he teaches Conservation Biology at the University of São Paulo in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, where he heads the Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation (LAEC-USP).