Why is whale poo good for the planet?

Why is whale poo good for the planet?

We don’t often think of whales defecating, but we should – their faeces have a vitally important part to play in the ecosystem of our oceans.

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Published: January 18, 2023 at 4:58 pm

Sperm whale poo is ideal phytoplankton fertiliser. During their hour-long dives into the ‘twilight zone’ ocean layer, chasing after squid, the whales’ digestive systems temporarily shut down to save energy.

When they return to the surface they release a liquid, iron-rich slick which floats at the surface and can stimulate the growth of carbon-fixing plankton.

Each year, sperm whales around Antarctica release roughly 50 tonnes of iron from their deep-sea diet, triggering phytoplankton blooms that capture about 400,000 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere – enough to offset the carbon released by the whales when they breathe out, making them carbon neutral.

Before commercial whaling, sperm whale waste matter helped capture more like 2 million tonnes of carbon.

This profound impact on other wildlife in the ecosystem has led to sperm whales being described as marine ecosystem engineers.

As well as faeces, the digestive system of sperm whales also produce a substance called ambergris. This is a solid and waxy substance, which gains a sweet, earthy substance as it ages.

It has long been used in perfumes, as well as being served as food or in a medicinal purpose – being considered an aphrodisiac in some cultures, and used to treat a range of ailments by Europeans in the Middle Ages.

Because it is hard to come by naturally, and whaling has mostly stopped around the world, ambergris is worth a fortune when found.

Main image: A sperm whale swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. © Thomas Haider/Getty

© Ann & Steve Toon/Getty

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