Discover the Toque macaque, a captivating and agile primate, that inhabits the lush and diverse landscapes of Sri Lanka.
Where do toque macaques live?
Toque macaques are only found in Sri Lanka. There are three subspecies of toque macaques, each unique to a climatic zone: dry-zone forest and lowland and montane rainforest.
How big are toque macaques
Toque macaques are between 44-53cm long without their tail. Males weigh 5.2kg, while females are 2kg lighter at 3kg.
What do toque macaques look like?
These old world monkeys have a brown coat with variable orange tinge. Their distinguishing features include a long tail and a caplike whorl of head hair, which gives it its name. Adult females also has a red face unlike male.
What do toque macaques eat?
Toque macaques are omnivorous and enjoy a diet of ripe fruit, shoots, tubers and insects; occasionally lizards. They also scavenges scraps and take human foods, including rubbish.
Do toque macaques live in groups?
All toque macaques live in groups 12-50 strong, which comprise one or more matrilineal families. Daughters stay in their natal groups for life, but sons disperse at puberty to breed. Except for adult males, which come and go every few years, group membership is fixed and everyone knows who is who. Stable membership is maintained because the groups are closed to outsiders: macaques will fight - and occasionally kill - strangers.
How do toque macaques reproduce?

The toque macaque is a polygamous, seasonal breeder. Females are sexually mature at 5.5-6.5 years, giving birth to a single baby every 18 months.
Why do juvenile toque macaques screech?
Toque macaque society is organised into strict pecking orders, or hierarchies of privileges, with the ruling elites doing move or less as they please - frequently at the expense of subordinates. Rank relations are most readily expressed while foraging, when higher-ranking members may export. lower ones for food, even to the extent of stealing morsels from their mouths or cheek pouches.
Within a family, the eldest mother normally enjoys the highest status. When two or more families comprise a social group, ranks among juvenile peers originating from different matrilines are determined by those of their respective mothers. To the youngsters of low-ranking families this seems unfair, they may resist their low standing and challenge their peers of higher birthright.
And this is what all the fighting is about.
The problem for the offspring of a low-ranking mother, is that no matter how much it screeches to seek support against superiors to its family its mother (and sibling or aunt) are too week to come to its assistance or defence. Eventually thee youngster learns to accept its lowly place in society.
How long do toque macaques live?
Toque macaques can live up to 35 years old
Why are toque macaques considered a pest?
Drawn from their forest homes by easy pickings from rubbish in suburban areas, macaques come into conflict with humans intolerant of their incursions- with the result that civic leaders are now struggling to deal with the growing human-monkey discord.