Meet the beautiful Arctic wolf, guardian of the frozen wilderness

Meet the beautiful Arctic wolf, guardian of the frozen wilderness

All you need to know about the beautiful snowy-white Arctic wolf

Published: August 12, 2024 at 9:59 am

The Arctic wolf is the most northerly of the grey wolf subspecies, of which there are now thought to be five in North America, with others in Europe, North Africa and Asia.

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What do Arctic wolves look like?

Like Arctic foxes, Arctic wolves are usually all-white, though may be brown, grey or cream. They have a shorter muzzle and ears than other grey wolf subspecies.

How big are Arctic wolves?

Arctic wolves are between 1-1.8m long and weigh between 45–70kg.

What do they eat?

Arctic wolves mainly feed on other Arctic animals like musk ox, caribou and arctic hare, but if food is scarce they can survive for up to several weeks without food.

Where do Arctic wolves live?

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Arctic wolves inhabit one of the most remote and harshest habitats in the world. Their circumpolar range spans around the High Arctic, including islands, from 65°N through to 85°N.

What threats do they face?

though they are listed as least concern by the IUCN AlArctic wolves face a number of threats. Climate change may reduce availability of prey; habitat fragmentation due to roadbuilding, mining and oil pipelines.

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