The best wildlife livestreams to watch around the world

© Ann & Steve Toon/Getty

The best wildlife livestreams to watch around the world

Thanks to the wonders of technology and the dedication of conservationists, it's now possible to watch a range of wildlife around the world via webcams from the comfort of your home. Here is an extensive list of species you can livestream, including eagles, owls, puffins, hummingbirds, elephants and manatees and how to watch.

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There is a huge variety of animal livestreams available online – pandas, puppies, kittens, donkeys, sheep and more. We have focussed on wild animals (including wildlife rehabilitation) in our comprehensive list of wildlife webcams to livestream around the world.

Some of these cameras are seasonal, for example they may only be active during the nesting season.

A few of these cameras have associated citizen science projects running in conjunction with them, encouraging viewers to identify and record the species seen. Details can be found on those websites.

If you're interested in putting up a nestbox in your garden, head over to our garden bird nestbox guide or our step-by-step guide to making a garden bird nestbox. Learn more about identifying bird and mammals nests, identifying birds' eggs and identifying bird egg thieves.

Livestreams of birds

Blue tits

Great tits

European starling

European robin

Spotted flycatchers

Black redstarts


Canada geese


Savannah ospreys. © Cornell Lab Bird Cams

Northern goshawk

Peregrine falcons

Barn owls

Barn owls on the Dorset Wildlife Trust webcam in April 2020, just after the female laid her third egg.

Tawny owls

Little owls

Eurasian eagle owls

Great horned owls

Long-eared owls

Eastern screech owls

Western screech owls

Arctic snowy owls

Barred owls

Barred owl. © Cornell Lab Bird Cams

Red-tailed hawks

Red-tailed hawk. © Cornell Lab Bird Cams

Common kestrel

Red-footed kestrels

American kestrels

American kestrel adult feeding chicks. © Cornell Lab Bird Cams

White-tailed eagles

Golden eagles

Short-toed eagles

Bald eagles

Greater spotted eagles

Lesser spotted eagles

Long-legged buzzard

Griffon vulture

California condors

Black kites



European roller

Bermuda petrels

Bermuda petrel chick in April 2020. © Cornell Lab Bird Cams

White-tailed tropicbirds

White-tailed tropicbird nest. © Cornell Lab Bird Cams

Lance-tailed manakins

Lance-tailed manakins. © Cornell Lab Bird Cams

Northern royal albatross



Great blue herons

Black storks

White storks

Mixed bird livestreams

Greenfinch and goldfinch on bird feeders. © WildlifeKate
Pileated woodpecker and northern cardinals at the Cornell Lab FeederWatch Cam. © Cornell Lab Bird Cams
Rufous motmots on the Panama fruit feeder cam. © Cornell Lab Bird Cams
A tayra visiting the feeding platform. © WildlifeKate

Livestreams of mammals


Small mammals

Wood mouse. © WildlifeKate





Polar bears


Whales and dolphins


Steller sea lions

Livestreams of mixed wildlife


Pine marten at feeding station. © WildlifeKate




Wildlife rescue

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