6 of the biggest spiders in the UK: look for them in canals, gardens, ditches... and under your bed

6 of the biggest spiders in the UK: look for them in canals, gardens, ditches... and under your bed

Don't be fooled in thinking large spiders live on exotic shores as the UK is home to a few giants..

Published: February 14, 2024 at 12:16 pm

The rare fen raft spider may be the biggest spider in the UK but there are other species that give it a close run. Here are six of the biggest spiders in the UK

6 of the biggest spiders in the UK

Fen raft spider

Dolomedes plantarius

With a leg-span of up to 70mm and a body length of up to 23mm the fen raft spider could give you a bit of a shock if it ran over your carpet! Fortunately this rare spider mostly lives in marsh ditches, canals and fen ponds

House spider

Tegenaria duellica (formerly gigantea)

Giant house spider
© Getty Images

Generally considered the largest arachnid to enter UK homes. The females’ leg span (measured from tip to tip) may reach an impressive 75mm.

Wasp spider

Argiope bruennichi

© Getty Images
© Getty Images

It is fairly easy to see how this spider got its name with its stripy abdomen and legs. The wasp spider is the biggest orb-weaver in Britain, with females regularly reaching a body length of 20mm. Native to mainland Europe, North Africa and western Asia, this striking creature is now a frequent sight in gardens in southern England.

Nursery-web spider

Pisaura mirabilis

Nursery Web Spider (Pisaurina mira) on Jewelweed Leaf
© Getty Images

A common inhabitant of woods and occasionally long grass and hedgerows (but scarce in Scotland). Females’ legspan may reach 50mm. They spin nursery webs around their egg sacs when the babies are ready to hatch.

Tube-web spider

Segestria florentina

Close-up of cellar spider male on white stone.
© Getty Images.

Females can reach a body length of 22mm. An introduced species from Southern Europe, this shy arachnid lives on walls and fences; at present it occurs only in southern England and Wales, and in the vicinity of ports. It has a sharp, painful bite.

Cardinal spider

Tegenaria parietina

Cardinal spider
Muséum de Toulouse, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

With a body size of up to 20mm and legs up to 60mm the spotty cardinal spider is definitely worthy of a place on Britain's largest spiders list. You can find it in and near buildings in the south of England.

Rumour has it we have Cardinal Wolsey to thank for its name as apparently he was terrified of them...

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