Some lizards posses the amazing ability to regenerate appendages, helping them escape from predators.
When the gecko or amphibious salamander, for example, lose a tail, special stem cells profilerate and migrate to the tail area. This means that when it regrows it, the spinal cord and nerves grow back too.
How many times could a lizard regrow its tail?
How many times a lizard can regrow its tail depends. The series of bones that makes up a lizard’s spine extends along the length of its tail. When the tail is shed, it breaks along a fracture plane within one of the bones. When a new tail grows, the bones do not regenerate, but are replaced with cartilage. So the re-grown tail cannot break and regrow again.

A lizard could potentially shed its tail several times, but only the original tail material is capable of fracture and regeneration.
Discover more lizard facts
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