While at first glace you may think it resembles a domestic cat, a bobcat (Lynx rufus) is a much bigger and and more fierce hunter.
It's a medium-sized species of lynx, whose name comes from is short tail, which looks cut or 'bobbed'. It roams the deserts and forests of Canada, the United States and Mexico, and more recently is increasing found in urban areas.
This migration to cities and towns now means they face new threats from road traffic and poisonings. However, their population is considered stable.
While bobcat kittens look incredibly adorable, and people are tempted to take home strays, they are wild animals and will develop aggressive traits as they mature.
What do bobcats look like?
Bobcats are medium-sized wildcats and can weigh up to 14kg. They have short, dense fur that is a tawny brown interspersed with black lines and spots.
On the end of their long legs are large, furry paws, and each one has five hooked claws. They are efficient hunters, with four large canine teeth to pierce deeply into prey.
They have ear tufts and white spots near the tips. Long fur grows from each side of the face. Females are relatively smaller than males.
Where do bobcats live?
Bobcats are nocturnal carnivores that roam throughout much of North America and are usually rarely seen. Females choose a secluded den to raise their litter.
They prefer to make dens in sheltered, quiet areas. Depending on the location this well be in thick brush or dense shrubs, rock crevices, rocky outcrops and caves, and hollowed-out trees or fallen logs.
In urban areas they'll seek out quiet spaces in abandoned buildings, sheds or barns.
Kittens are capable of adapting to their environment when they go in search of their own territory.
How long do kittens stay with bobcats?
Bobcats usually have one litter in spring with up to six kittens. The kittens stay with their mother for 9 to 12 months while they learn to fend for themselves.
At approximately eight weeks, the kittens start to move around a bit outside their actual den area. By taking the kittens out with her, the female can teach them to hunt and prepare them for adulthood.
What do bobcats eat?
Bobcats are opportunists. They will commonly make a meal of rodents, particularly rabbits and birds, but they are capable of taking larger prey, including young ungulates such as deer.
They are solitary hunters and are able to hunt a variety of species, which enables them to switch prey seasonally. They hunt by stealth and kill their prey with a deadly pounce.
They an run up to 30mph to chase prey, climb trees and even swim.
Are bobcats nocturnal?
While primarily nocturnal, you may see a bobcat in the daytime. Although they are notoriously difficult to spot, a bobcat with dependent young may hunt for food in daylight, typically between April and July.
Do bobcats have any predators?
Fishers (members of the weasel family) are able to kill an adult bobcat, and cougars, wolves, and coyotes are also threats. Young bobcats can be a meal for eagles, great horned owls, foxes and bears.
Adult male bobcats are known to kill young bobcats, especially if they are not theirs.
What is a bobcat's lifespan?
In the wild a bobcat can live between 10 and 12 years.
What threats do bobcats face?
Despite the fact bobcats are listed as a species of least concern, habitat loss and hunting could impact their population.
They have incredibly soft for, for which they are hunted and the fur exported to countries such as China and Russia. In many US states, bobcats are protected, and hunting them without a permit is illegal.
In some urban areas they are persecuted as pests. Plus, they are at risk of eating prey poisoned with rodenticides.
Do bobcats attack humans?
It is extremely unlikely that a bobcat would attack a human. They are solitary hunters that rely on natural prey. However, like any wild animal, it will defend itself if it feels startled or threatened.