
What's the biggest owl? Here's a clue – it has a colossal 2 metre wingspan

Did you know the largest owl in the world has a wingspan of around two metres?

A deep, resonant call is rising through the reedbeds of Britain  

During spring, Britain's loudest bird booms out its mating call – and following a record-breaking year in 2024, it's a sound conservations hope will continue to grow.

US State of the Birds: 2025 report reveals steep and widespread declines

The new report shows that North American bird populations have plummeted by 30 per cent since the 1970s.

Here's why 15 giant birds were just released into Patagonia National Park

It's all part of the first international rewilding project to help save Darwin’s rheas in South America.

"Uncharted territory": soft tissue of ancient animal found entombed in volcanic rock near Rome

The 30,000-year-old remains display microscopic details of animal tissue, including eyelids and perfectly preserved feathers, say scientists

Meet the skeleton-eating bird that dyes itself the colour of blood

Bearded vultures, also known as lammergeiers, turn their feathers red on purpose - experts have several theories why.

“If an eagle fell, I had to carry it back up without being torn apart” How one woman helped save the bald eagle

In the 1970s, the bald eagle was on the verge of extinction. Thanks in part to the pioneering work of one young biologist, this magnificent bird has made a spectacular comeback.

Hawk Mountain: how a deadly hunting ground in the Appalachian range became a sanctuary for raptors

Every year, thousands of eagles, falcons and kestrels soar past this great mountain ridge in Pennsylvania – here's the story of how it became the world’s first raptor sanctuary.

It lays luminous eggs on the jungle floor and then abandons them with the father ­­– is this nature’s worst mother?

In a "recipe for extinction", the creature dumps their DayGlo eggs on the jungle floor and leaves them.

Do penguins really ‘propose’ with pebbles?

Is it true that penguins exchange stones as marriage proposals? Stuart Blackman investigates the popular belief.

Birds of paradise ‘glow’ in secret biofluorescent courtship dance

For the first time, a study has found that birds of paradise are biofluorescent – a skill they likely use for unique mating rituals.

Charles Darwin saw this Galápagos bird on Floreana Island in 1835, then it wasn't seen again for almost 200 years

Thought to be locally extinct, the Galápagos rail has been spotted by researchers on the volcanic island of Floreana.

Deadly is the female: 11 ferocious female animals that you wouldn't want to mess with

'For the female of the species is more deadly than the male' – here are our top 11 deadliest females that prove just that.

What cranes know about staying warm that’s helping doctors save lives

How do cranes stand in icy water without freezing?

Mesmerising murmuration: thousands of knots captured on video at Norfolk beauty spot

A wader 'spectacular' occurs at a well-loved RSPB site in Norfolk each year – here's the resulting footage

Penguin's-eye view: take a bumpy ride into the deep blue with this spellbinding footage from Antarctica

Amazing footage lets people join a Adélie penguin as it glides through the water.

10 reasons why you should never - EVER - date a birder

On paper a birder might sound like a great date, with a love of the natural world, but don't be deceived, says Dixe Wills, as all might not be as it seems...

Do pelicans actually push their spiral cords out of their mouths to cool down?

There's been a lot of chatter about pelicans and their spinal cords online – and even though it's not the case, the truth is just as fascinating

This deadly raptor can spot prey over a mile away and swoop in at 100 miles an hour to make its kill

We take a look at one of the world's most majestic birds, the bald eagle

Head spinner: mind-blowing video shows snowy owl twisting its head almost full circle

Owls can twist their necks up to 270 degrees without damaging blood vessels or breaking tendons – see it in action with this chilling video of a snowy owl in the Arctic.

It lays record-breaking eggs, has nostrils on its beak and flirts by tapping butts – meet this bizarre yet adorable bird

The baffling but cute endangered bird is often thought of as an honorary mammal due to its unique characteristics.

Ostriches vs emus: what’s the difference between these large, striking flightless birds?

Ostriches and emus are both large, flightless birds with slightly comedic reputations – but what's the difference between these two species? Stuart Blackman takes a look

Storm bird: this 22-second video of a barnacle goose flying in heavy rain is pure bliss

These majestic birds spend winter in south-west Scotland, commuting daily between feeding areas and roost sites.

Why do coots have such weird feet?

A coot's feet are perfectly designed to cope with a life on both dry land and water, says Stuart Blackman
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