Here at BBC Wildlife magazine, we love a good laugh, and this selection of our favourite animal jokes will have you howling with laughter!
Best animal jokes ever!
Q. What was the first animal in space?
A. The cow that jumped over the moon
Q. Why couldn't the two elephants go swimming?
A. Because they only had one pair of trunks between them.
Q. What is a marsupial's favourite drink?
A. Coca-Koala
Q. Why do squid swim in salt water?
A. Because pepper makes them sneeze.
Q. Why shouldn’t you play cards in the African savannah?
A. Because it’s full of cheetahs.
Q. Why can’t you get pain killers in the jungle?
A. Because the parrots eat ‘em all.
Q. Why do giraffes have long necks?
A. Because their feet stink.
Q. What do you call a hurt lemur?
A. An indri.
Q. Why do wolves never play in goal?
A. Because they're always making howlers.
Q. How fast can a duck go?
A. At a quacking pace.
Q. Why was the baby snake sad?
A. Someone took its rattle.
Q. How do you raise a baby elephant?
A. With a crane.
Q. How did the two chickens dance at Christmas?
A. Chick to chick.
Q. How do you stop a skunk from smelling?
A. Put a peg on its nose.

Q. What happened when the lion ate the clown?
A. He felt funny.
Q. What do you call a camel with three humps?
A. Lumpy
Q. What runs around the forest making other animals yawn?
A. A wild boar.
Q. Did you hear about the emu that grew so big that it was shunned by the rest of its group?
A. It was ostrich sized.
Q. How do people cook in the jungle?
A. With a grilla
Q. What happens when a frog's car brakes down ?
A. It gets toad away
Q. How do apes travel across the air ?
A. By hot air baboon

Q. What is a reptile's favourite film?
A. The Lizard of Oz
Q. Did you hear about the snail racer who ditched his shell?
A. He thought it would make him faster but it just made him look sluggish
Q. Did you hear about the killer whale who could play the saxophone?
A. He joined the orca-stra
Q. There were 20 cats in a plane. One jumped out. How many were left?
A. None, the others were copycats
Q. What did the farmer call the cow with no milk?
A. An udder failure