Why do cats purr? The fascinating reasons behind the feline purr
Rae Foreman-Worsley from Cats Protection discusses the mystery behind a cat’s purr
On the brink of extinction: The 11 rarest cats in the world, from the beautiful Arabian leopard to the weird flat-headed cat
There are more wild cats out there than just lions and tigers. Get to know some of the world's most elusive and rarest felines.
Bewitching glass octopus rarely seen alive filmed near remote Pacific islands
Deep-sea researchers saw the translucent octopus at a seamount 651m below the surface.

Why The Gambia should be your next birdwatching holiday destination
Diverse landscapes, incredible weather and over 600 species of birds. Read on to discover what makes this West African country ideal for birdwatching trips.

Deep-sea scientists just saw something huge at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean
The elusive animal was filmed swimming over the seafloor near the Phoenix Islands in the Southern Pacific Ocean.
Mysterious tusked animal caught on trail cam in Vietnam forest after decades-long search
The rare creature was seen wandering through Cao Bang province in the north-east of the country.
What's the biggest owl? Here's a clue – it has a colossal 2 metre wingspan
Did you know the largest owl in the world has a wingspan of around two metres?
World's rarest whales and dolphins: 10 beautiful cetaceans in danger of disappearing forever
We take a look at the cetaceans on the brink of extinction
A deep, resonant call is rising through the reedbeds of Britain
During spring, Britain's loudest bird booms out its mating call – and following a record-breaking year in 2024, it's a sound conservations hope will continue to grow.
Ancient creatures found encased in amber in remote forests of Myanmar – and they’ve been hiding a deadly secret
The 99-million-year-old specimens were discovered in the isolated Hukawng Valley in the north of the country.

US State of the Birds: 2025 report reveals steep and widespread declines
The new report shows that North American bird populations have plummeted by 30 per cent since the 1970s.

Here's why 15 giant birds were just released into Patagonia National Park
It's all part of the first international rewilding project to help save Darwin’s rheas in South America.

"Uncharted territory": soft tissue of ancient animal found entombed in volcanic rock near Rome
The 30,000-year-old remains display microscopic details of animal tissue, including eyelids and perfectly preserved feathers, say scientists

Meet the skeleton-eating bird that dyes itself the colour of blood
Bearded vultures, also known as lammergeiers, turn their feathers red on purpose - experts have several theories why.

“If an eagle fell, I had to carry it back up without being torn apart” How one woman helped save the bald eagle
In the 1970s, the bald eagle was on the verge of extinction. Thanks in part to the pioneering work of one young biologist, this magnificent bird has made a spectacular comeback.

Hawk Mountain: how a deadly hunting ground in the Appalachian range became a sanctuary for raptors
Every year, thousands of eagles, falcons and kestrels soar past this great mountain ridge in Pennsylvania – here's the story of how it became the world’s first raptor sanctuary.
How to identify wildlife
Go behind the scenes of Tom Hanks’ new epic, The Americas! Plus, receive your first 6 issues for just £12 when you subscribe today
Go behind the scenes of Tom Hanks’ new epic, The Americas! Plus, receive your first 6 issues for just £12 when you subscribe today
How to identify mammal skulls - and work out the creature they once belonged to
Skulls can be found virtually anywhere, but skull identification can be difficult. Learn how to identify common mammal skulls in our expert guide.
Toad vs frog: How to tell the difference between a common frog and a common toad
Two of the UK's most familiar and widespread amphibian species are the common frog and the common toad, but do you know how to tell them apart?
How to identify animal droppings: Our guide to the wildlife poop you might find in your garden or out on a walk
Droppings or scats can tell us a lot about which animals have been visiting our gardens, parks and countryside, including hedgehogs, foxes and badgers. Our expert guide explains how to identify which poos belong to which species. Plus, animal droppings from species from around the world – and fungi and insects you might spot on droppings.
Swift or swallow: what's the difference between these two incredible long-distance migrants?
Know your swallows from your swifts? Tom Hibbert from The Wildlife Trusts takes a look at some of the differences…
Heron vs egret: what's the difference between these two leggy, long-necked, elegant birds?
Know your herons from your egrets? Tom Hibbert from The Wildlife Trusts takes a look at some of the differences…
Monkey faces, naked men and swaddled babies: These are the weirdest flowers in the world
Nature has a wild imagination, and nowhere is that more obvious than in the world of flowers. From leaves shaped like lips to enormous flowers that smell of rotting flesh, these are some of the weirdest, most unusual flowers in the world
Are there any black flowers?
Wondering why we don't see black flowers? Phil Gates explains
How does the deadly Venus flytrap snare – and dissolve – its prey?
Once this plant's trap doors close there's no chance of escape...
Blazing star discovered in cloud forests of Peru
A new and striking species of plant from the blazing star family has been found in the high-altitude forests of the Peruvian Andes, highlighting the powerful role citizen science can play in conservation.