Here are four animals alive today that begin with the letter x – how many more can you think of?
Animals starting with 'x'
This small gull, also known as Sabine’s Gull, is easy to identify by its striking wing pattern. They breed in the Arctic and are found throughout northernmost North America and Eurasia.
Also known as the African ground squirrel, this little rodent lives in burrows in Africa's savanna, grasslands and deserts. It enjoys a diet of insects, leaves, seeds and nuts.
Xingu River Ray
Found in the Xingu River basin in Brazil – hence the name – the Xingu river ray is a venomous stingray.
X-ray tetra
Known as the x-ray fish because of its translucent body, this South American species is found in the Amazon and Orinoco basins, as well as coastal rivers in the Guianas. It is also a popular aquarium fish.
An alphabetical adventure through the animal kingdom
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